Notice periods for ending a tenancy


Changes to Queensland rental laws came into effect from 6 June 2024. Learn more about the changes and what they mean for you.

Minimum housing standards came into effect for new tenancies (including renewed tenancy agreements) from 1 September 2023 and for all remaining tenancies from 1 September 2024.

There are rules and timeframes that must be followed when ending a tenancy. A tenant, property manager or property owner can all issue a notice ending a tenancy.

If the correct notice and form are not used, the other person may ask for compensation.

When serving notices by post, the sender must allow time for the mail to arrive when working out when a notice period ends.

Tenant gives notice

General tenancies

The tenant gives notice to the property manager/owner using a Notice of intention to leave (Form 13). Minimum notice periods apply.

With grounds (reasons)Minimum notice period
Unremedied breach7 days
Non-compliance with QCAT order7 days
Failure to comply with repair order14 days
Non-livabilityThe day it is given
Compulsory acquisition14 days
Intention to sell (subject to criteria)14 days
Condition of premises14 days
Terminating agreement if entitlement to student accommodation ends1 month
Death of a sole tenant14 days
Death of a co-tenant14 days
Tenant experiencing domestic and family violence*7 days, but can vacate immediately
Condition of the property^14 days (within the first 7 days of occupying the property)

*Please complete a Notice ending tenancy interest (domestic and family violence) (Form 20) and provide it with the relevant evidence to the property owner/manager.

^The tenant may give a Notice of intention to leave (Form 13) within the first seven days of occupying the property if the:

The tenant may not give a Notice of intention to leave (Form 13) under this ground if the circumstances mentioned above were caused by an action or failure of the tenant.

Without grounds (reasons)

A tenant must give at least 14 days notice unless the property manager/owner has breached the agreement. The tenancy ends on the end date of the agreement or the end date of the notice period (whichever is longer). Parties can agree to end the tenancy earlier but it must be agreed in writing.

Type of tenancy agreementMinimum notice period
Periodic agreement14 days
Fixed term agreementLater of 14 days or the day the agreement ends
Caravan park (moveable dwelling) tenancies

The tenant gives notice to the caravan park manager using a Notice of intention to leave (Form 13). Minimum notice periods apply.

With grounds (reasons)Minimum notice period
Long term tenancyShort term tenancy
End of an agreed short tenancy (moveable dwellings)n/a1 day^
Unremedied breach2 days1 day
Non-compliance with QCAT order7 days1 day
Failure to comply with repair order14 daysThe day it is given
Non-livabilityThe day it is givenThe day it is given
Compulsory acquisition (subject to criteria)14 days1 day
Intention to sell14 days1 day
Condition of premises14 daysn/a
Death of sole tenant14 daysn/a
Death of a co-tenant7 days n/a
Tenant experiencing domestic and family violence*7 days, but can vacate immediately7 days, but can vacate immediately
Condition of the property^^14 days (within the first 7 days of occupying the property)n/a

*Please complete a Notice ending tenancy interest (domestic and family violence) (Form 20) and provide it with the relevant evidence to the park manager.

^at least one day before the end date of the agreement.

^^If the owner/manager is renting the moveable dwelling to the tenant, the tenant may give a Notice of intention to leave (Form 13) within the first seven days of occupying the property if the:

The tenant may not give a Notice of intention to leave (Form 13) under this ground if the circumstances mentioned above were caused by an action or failure of the tenant.

Without grounds

For a long term tenancy, the tenant must give at least 14 days notice unless the caravan park manager has breached the agreement. The tenancy ends on the end date of the agreement or the end date of the notice period (whichever is longer). Parties can agree to end the tenancy earlier but it must be agreed in writing.

Type of tenancy agreementMinimum notice period
Long term tenancyShort term tenancy
Periodic agreement14 days1 day
Fixed term agreementLater of 14 days or the day the agreement ends1 day
Rooming accommodation

The resident gives notice to the rooming accommodation manager/provider or agent using a Resident leaving form - rooming accommodation (Form R13). Minimum notice periods apply.

With grounds (reasons)Minimum notice period
Unremedied breach7 days
Non-livability - property destroyed or made completely or partly unfit to live inImmediately (notice must be given within 1 month of the event
Condition of premises^2 days (within the first 7 days of occupying the premises)
Death of sole resident7 days
Death of co-resident7 days
Terminating agreement if entitlement to student accommodation ends1 month
Resident experiencing domestic and family violence*7 days, but can vacate immediately

*Please complete a Notice ending residency interest (domestic and family violence) (Form R20) and provide it with the relevant evidence to the accommodation manager/provider or agent.

^If the owner/provider is renting the moveable dwelling to the resident, the resident may give a Notice of intention to leave (Form 13) within the first seven days of occupying the property if the:

The resident may not give a Notice of intention to leave (Form 13) under this ground if the circumstances mentioned above were caused by an action or failure of the resident.

Without grounds

A resident must give at least 7 days notice unless the rooming accommodation manager/provider has breached the agreement. The residency ends on the end date of the agreement or the end date of the notice period (whichever is longer). Parties can agree to end the tenancy earlier but it must be agreed in writing.

Type of tenancy agreementMinimum notice period
Periodic agreement7 days
Fixed term agreementLater of 7 days or the day the agreement ends