Alaska Court System Self-Help

Marriage license application and instructions are available on the Health Analytics & Vital Records website. Most courts also issue marriage licenses.

► The application for a marriage license says that it must be notarized at the Vital Records office or a courthouse.
Is there another option to have the application notarized?

According to Vital Records staff, you can use any public notary or postmaster. The Office of the Lieutenant Governor has directory of notaries you can search by community. See

► Can we get married at our local court?

Yes. Check with the court where you would like to be married for the local policy. Trial Court Locations & Hours.

► Who can perform marriages in Alaska?

If the couple that wants to be married has a marriage license, Alaska laws allow marriages to be performed:

► How do I get a Marriage Commissioner Appointment?

Under Alaska Statute 25.05.261(a)(2), anyone can perform your marriage ceremony, including a friend or relative, if they first get a marriage commissioner appointment from an Alaskan court as authorized by AS 25.05.081. The person should be 18 years of age or older, and does not need to be a resident of Alaska or the United States in order to perform the ceremony.

You can call or go in person to the court nearest to where the wedding will be performed. If you have questions, contact your local court. Procedures vary by judicial district. There is no online application form.

Court Locations by Judicial District

First District
Second District
Third District
Fourth District

View the venue map to see the judicial district boundaries.

► What information do I need to provide the court to be a marriage commissioner?

The court will need the following information:

► Is there a waiting period for the marriage commissioner appointment?

There is no waiting period for this appointment. However, in the Fourth Judicial District, applications should be submitted at least one week before the wedding.

► How much does it cost for the marriage commissioner appointment application?

► What document will the court issue to appoint a marriage commissioner?

The court will issue a written order that appoints the marriage commissioner and lists instructions.

► What does the marriage commissioner need to know?

► If the wedding date changes, can the marriage commissioner still perform the marriage?

If the marriage is not performed on the date stated in the marriage commissioner appointment order, you must get a new marriage commissioner appointment order.

► Can the marriage commissioner get the marriage license for the couple?

NO. It is the responsibility of the couple to be married to apply for and pick up a marriage license. A marriage commissioner does not have the authority to get the marriage license for the couple.

► Is there a sample script to perform a marriage?

All marriage ceremony scripts must meet the minimum requirements of AS 25.05.301 as listed below:

AS 25.05.301 Form of solemnization

In the solemnization of marriage no particular form is required except that the parties shall assent or declare in the presence of each other and the person solemnizing the marriage and in the presence of at least two competent witnesses that they take each other to be husband and wife. A competent witness for this purpose is a person of sound mind capable of understanding the seriousness of the ceremony. At the time of the ceremony, the person solemnizing the marriage shall complete the certification on the original marriage certificate. The person solemnizing the marriage and the two attending witnesses shall sign the original marriage certificate and the necessary copies.

See Sample Marriage Ceremony Scripts that meet the requirements of AS 25.05.301. You may use these scripts, or you may ask the marriage commissioner to solemnize your marriage using a script that you have brought with you (many scripts can be found by searching the internet). All marriage ceremony scripts must meet the minimum requirements of AS 25.05.301.